QUEEN'S GUARD (Pigcasso | Lefson  2021)

QUEEN'S GUARD (Pigcasso | Lefson 2021)

Regular price Sale


One of the greatest Masterpiece ever created by Pigcasso, Queen's Guard not only defines its subject matter to perfection but remains a symbolic painting to showcase the creative intelligence behind the collaboration that is Pigcasso and Lefson. an extraordinary piece of art available for a period of time on Shopify. Note this painting has been exhibited and is sold framed. Shipping in Europe is Euro 300; USA TBC

SIZE:  980 x 2620mm

MEDIUM: Acrylic on 300 grams watercolor paper 


Certificate of Authenticity

Original Nose-tip signature 

3D Watermark

Professional photograph of Pigcasso with the Artwork (

A video of Pigcasso painting the Artwork 

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